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Paula’s Choice introduces innovative ingredient checker for skincare

Chloe Burney
24 May 2023

Research-first skincare brand Paula’s Choice has introduced the 'Beautypedia Skin Care Ingredient Checker', allowing customers to review the ingredients of any skincare product on the market before making a regretful purchase.

Whether shoppers are skincare newbies or experts, the ingredient checker is designed to help the consumer make the best choices for their skin types. Cutting through the jargon and contradictory information, the easy-to-use tool breaks down the ingredient analysis to ensure users receive the most useful and up-to-date information.

Paula’s Choice’s Research & Education Team and Science Advisory Board continually review and interpret the latest studies from a range of fields, to ensure all information is as accurate as possible.

Erika Kussmann, CEO of Paula’s Choice, commented: "For 28 years, we have been empowering our customers with more than just proven products—we’ve given them the exact research and truth they need to take the best care of their skin."

The ingredient ratings are categorised as follows:

BEST: Outstanding ingredients with true benefits for the skin. It's proven and supported by independent studies.

GOOD: Includes non-irritating, effective ingredients. It's often necessary to improve a formula’s texture, stability, or penetration.

AVERAGE: May have aesthetic, stability, or other issues that limit its usefulness.

BAD: There is a likelihood of irritation. It may offer some benefits, but overall it's likely to do more harm than good.

WORST: Proven to cause irritation, inflammation, dryness, etc. An ingredient in this category should be avoided.

All users need to do is take a photo of the ingredient list - straight from the product's packaging, or copy and paste it from the product’s site - to receive an overview of how the ingredients perform, along with key benefits. If the product includes any 'bad' or 'worst' ingredients, users will be given the option to explore alternative products better suited for their skin.

Heather Wish, UK Education Manager at Paula’s Choice, added: "With more beauty products being created every day, and misinformation being spread more than ever, it is beyond helpful in this climate to have a tool that delivers facts about ingredients based on scientific research. It gives the power back to the consumer and helps them make the right choices for their best skin yet."

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