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Glow Hub champions accessibility with new website and social media developments

Sophie Smith
24 August 2023

Gen Z beauty brand Glow Hub has updated its website and social media platforms to be more representative and inclusive of its community.

The brand's website and social channels have been developed to ensure those with disabilities can use and enjoy them more easily.

As part of this, Glow Hub has introduced a new accessibility station on its website for customers to personalise their user preferences.

This includes a screen reader and keyboard navigation, as well as adjusting colour contrast, saturation and text size.

The accessibility station also features different accessibility profiles to help automatise the brand's online customer experience.

  • Colour Blind – enable smart contrast and high saturation.
  • Visually Impaired – enable bigger text, big cursor, legible fonts, high saturation and play animations.
  • Blind – enable screen reader.
  • Cognitive & Learning – enable smart contrast, bigger text, reading guide, tooltips and play animations.
  • Seizure & Epileptic - activates the blinks blocking and low saturation functions.
  • ADHD - activates the read focus, reading guide and dictionary functions.


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Across its social channels, Glow Hub will ensure that all designed assets will go through checks to access their accessibility.

Tiffany Salmon, Founder and CEO of Glow Hub, said: "We recently updated our packaging - part of that was making the text bigger and with higher contrast to make it more accessible for our consumers. We’ve had some really incredible feedback on this, so we knew our website and socials  had to be next.

"According to various estimates, there’s around one billion individuals globally living with impairments. That’s a whole lot of people who the world often doesn’t cater to. So, making our website accessible to all is the least we could do."

Listen to's podcast with Tiffany Salmon.

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