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Lush donates thousands to group accused of being anti-trans

Tom Shearsmith
01 December 2020

High-street cosmetic and skincare company, Lush, has come under fire after donating £3,000 to a group accused of being anti-trans, Woman’s Place UK.

In a financial statement published by Woman’s Place, the organisation, which is not a UK registered charity, reported receiving the donation through the sales of Lush's charity pots, to fund "events organisation".

Lush did not publicly include the organisation on its own list of funding recipients and reportedly has guidelines which vow to not donate to groups which ‘harbour prejudice’.

The group claims to represent wider women’s issues, however its campaigning efforts are often focussed on anti-trans measures, with some of its main demands focussed on oppressing transgender rights, including asserting that the principle of women-only spaces should be “upheld and where necessary extended”.

Lush's own guidelines have previously established that it would not fund groups who “harbour racism or prejudice, deny the human rights of others, judge others on anything other than their actions”.

The company, which did not offer any apology to trans people, told LGBT website PinkNews: “To make our stance clear, we do not believe that trans rights are a threat to women’s rights. Our belief is that a decent society should be able to structure itself to give rights and protection to all who need it.

“Those who are on the margins should not have to fight other marginalised groups to get the protections they deserve and have a right to – we should all be fighting together for a world free from discrimination of any kind, where all people can live their life to its fullest potential in peace and free from fear."

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