Holland & Barrett unveils Hemel Hempstead Store transformation with focus on ethical beauty
Holland & Barrett’s newly refurbished Hemel Hempstead store has re-opened for trading with a keen new focus on clean and conscious beauty products and sports nutrition.
Just under 300 new beauty products with an ethical focus have been added to the range along with 100 new specialist health supplements and a dedicated honey bay offering a wide range – from the highest MGO Manuka and unique craft honey from around the world.
The store’s design, which features wood effect panelling, also includes a number of new sustainable initiatives, including more energy efficient lighting.
It has also introduced a new Click & Collect service counter.
Store manager Sachin Patel said: “The improved layout will make it even easier for customers to discover the latest health and wellness products, including an increased range of conscious beauty products.
“Our store team of trained experts are looking forward to helping people in the community with advice on keeping well and looking after themselves, whether that’s sleep advice or customers who need some guidance on what vitamins and supplements might be right for them.”